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- CAP Treatment: Meeting Dr Jay In Bangkok
- One Simple Thing That’s Helped Me!
- Visiting Ben The Naturopath In Singapore
- Is Swimming OK During TSW/NMT?
- Why Is Exercise So Good For TSW? (And How To Do It!)
- Day 1,450: Skin Back To Normal
- Day 1,344: Flare Finally Over, Here’s What I Learned!
- Another flare, but I’ve found the magic bullet
- Day 1,226: Back In NZ, Reflare (But Now I Know WHY!)
- Day 1,103: Still Not Perfect But Still Smiling!
- Could our environment be affecting our TSW? (some interesting observations)
- Day 977: I Wrote A Book!
- Day 795: Is It Over?
- Day 727: Another Flare Done
- Day 521: Life is 90% normal
- How I Use Collagen To Treat TSW
- Day 384: One year TSW anniversary
- Some progress photos of the “powdery phase” in NMT
- The most important parts of NMT
- Day 333: Long but mild flare
- From TSW Warrior to Ironman!
- Day 270: Another flare, but a painless one!
- Day 254: TSW hates winter
- Day 205: Still Going Strong!
- Day 193: Marathon #2 – The comeback must be greater than the setback
- Day 152: From TSW Warrior to Marathoner
- Day 130: Healing
- Day 121: Meat Meat Meat
- Day 113: Collagen!!!
- Day 94: Mixed Results
- Day 79 NMT: Tears
- Day 77 NMT: Second flare is here!!
- Day 63: 8 weeks NMT/9 weeks TSW
- Day 56: 7 weeks NMT/8 weeks TSW
- Day 49: 6 weeks NMT/7 weeks TSW update
- Day 45: Starting another fast
- Day 42: 5 week NMT update!
- The Raw Dairy Experiment
- Day 41: Sunshine and dry brushing
- 5 weeks: Day 35 photo update
- Day 34: Dry Fasting for 48 hours
- Oil pulling to start the day
- Day 28: 4 week update
- Day 25: Flaring again
- Day 22: More Protein!
- Day 21: Photos
- Day 20: Disrespecting the water limit and paying for it
- Organ meats are the TSW killer!
- For NMT to work, we need to treat the body holistically
- Day 16: Making bone broth!
- I tried the 1,000ml water limit and failed 🙁
- Day 15: Worked out and didn’t sweat!
- Day 14: Two weeks in
- Day 14: Chicken Gizzards!
- Day 10: I shaved my head and took a shower
- Do you have a dehumidifier?
- Day 9: I went to the doctor
- Day 8: Progress I think?
- My initial treatment plan for TSW
- Day 7: I’m going through TSW.